Friday, January 8

setting my sites

Today's Top Five Friday should be quite telling about the three of us! We're writing about the five websites we spend the most time on. The exception: work-related sites and each other's blogs and our own blogs don't count!

1. Twitter: I enjoy talking about myself (who doesn't?) so Twitter is a natural fit for me. What other website can you go to and read what your friend's annoying co-workers are doing, find out what DJ from Full House had for dinner, and catch CNN's latest breaking news ... all in one glance? I'm also proud to say that LA news anchor Chris Schauble and chick-lit author Jane Green both follow me on Twitter, and Bob Saget (or, Danny Tanner) once tweeted me!

2. Design*Sponge: as often as I post about the things they post about, this should come as no surprise. I love their DIY projects, their Before & After pictures, and of course the gorgeous decor eye candy.

3. Anthropolgie: this is what I have my homepage set to. Not because I shop on the site every day, but just the general feel of that store/website is how I try to live my life: as relaxed, charming and old-fashioned as possible. I wish I lived in a world where people still stopped for 4 o'clock tea, and the Anthro site lets me pretend that I do:)

4. Yahoo!: this one is a bit boring, but true. I keep up with pop culture, breaking news and fun stories via Yahoo!

5. Craigslist: I'm fortunate that I live in an area with a very active Craigslist. If you only knew how much time I spend stalking Craigslist ads while bored at work, you'd probably think I was crazy. I am constantly on the lookout for antiques, furniture, paintings and mirrors that I can snag for cheap. I've bought so many amazing things from there, and sold tons of stuff, too!

Which websites do you like to visit in your free time?

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