Friday, January 8

photographs and memories

I'm back with a second installment of vacation photos! These were all taken at the Banff Springs Hotel, although the employees there refer to it as "The Castle", which is really more accurate. This first picture wasn't taken by us, I just wanted to give everyone an idea of how huge it is .. and this picture doesn't even show the whole thing!

It was built in 1888 and restored after a fire in 1928 (one of my favorite time-periods!) so all the architecture was old and so beautifully detailed. You can click here to read the post I wrote on the day that we visited the hotel. It may help explain some things like the "ghost bride" I mention below:)

The cute little village section with all the stores.

A real mailbox inside the hotel. I wished I had a letter to drop in it!

Gorgeous ballroom. Lots of famous band leaders and musicians like Benny Goodman played here. We took a little waltz around the room:) He also said lots of actors like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers had attended balls there.

I want this chandelier! The tour guide said it was Waterford. Ooh La La!

My favorite room. These windows were huge! The tour guide said they're all original to the hotel, except for one, which was broken once when a husband and wife got into a fight and one of them threw a chair ... and missed.

Loved this little stained glass bird.

Hallway o' Christmas trees.

The creepy stone staircase where the bride died decades ago. My husband was hoping a ghostly apparition would show up in this photo, but I only see me:)

More pretty stained glass, and a courtyard behind me.

This room was massive and sooo old-looking. The tour guide name-dropped lots of famous singers that have performed in here, and it's also been in some movies.

Cool and kinda creepy architectural details.

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