Thursday, January 14

a pretty life

This is a fun project that only took about 10 minutes or so, and cost next to nothing to do. I'm all about pennants and banners lately, so I wanted to make one of my own.

Here's what you need:

  • paper with a design on it. I chose sheet music.
  • tape
  • scissors
  • a second, solid-color paper. I chose brown postal paper
  • pencil
  • marker
  • glasses of two different sizes
  • a computer or language dictionary
  • twine, ribbon, yarn or some other means of stringing the paper together
  • pins
Here's what you'll do:
  1. Select a phrase for your banner. Since I love all things French, I wanted mine to be in French. I chose the words jolie (pretty) and vie (life).
  2. Using the smaller glass, trace circles for each letter, as well as circles for spaces in between the words so that they don't all run together.
  3. Write out your letters, then cut out the papers.
  4. Use the bigger glass to trace circles on the solid paper, then cut these out as well.
  5. Secure the smaller circles to the larger ones using tape.
  6. Use the pins to pin the circles to your yarn, twine, or whatever you chose to use. Anthropologie included these adorable little felt present-toppers with the gifts purchased there over Christmas, so I used that. It would be easy to make your own, though.

Et voila!


  1. jessmarietta14/1/10 10:43 AM

    I love this! So gorgeous, and I love the phrase. Your blog makes me smile:)


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