Saturday, January 16

this post brought to you by a bookworm

If today had a theme, it would definitely be "Libraries". My husband and I both love to read, and we go to the local library nearly every weekend. We spent a few hours there this afternoon, and left with some fun reads.

While I was there, I got a HUGE deal on some great old books and magazines! I remember Holly over at Life in the Fun Lane posting once that her local library had a deal where you could buy a bag for 1 dollar and then you get to stuff it with as many books as you can. I remember thinking "I wish our library did that", and to my surprise, apparently it's a library trend that has caught on here, too:)

I loved Holly's blue book theme, but there weren't many blue books. There were, however, dozens of green books, so I went with a green theme instead. Most of these are children's books from around the 1950's. Very cute titles.

Another idea I was able to copy was snatching up these great old National Geographic magazines. At Anthropologie once they used a big stack of National Geographic magazines from the 80's in their display.

I was able to get some much older, mine are all from the 50's and 60's. They were 6 for a dollar, so I got 12. I can't wait to find a cool way to display them like they did at Anthro. The ones from the 50's are my favorite because apparently they didn't put big pictures on the front then, just black and white text.

That's a lot of loot for 3 dollars!

I also finally got around to printing off the Overdue Book Calendar I ordered from Etsy. It's even cuter in person, and I had fun filling mine out.

Happy reading, and please remember to support your local library!


  1. Yall are so cute going to the library! I love libraries and feel inspired to visit more often. I love the green books and national geographic're so creative :)

  2. Awww thanks buddy! I'll print off a copy of the Overdue Book Calender and mail it to you!

  3. Suprise Suprise you collect books just like Holly. can YOU SAY COPYCAT? Why don't you just be her? Everything on your blog is something i've already seen on hers. Do your own thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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