Saturday, January 9

garage sale success

I started this morning off bright and early. By 7:30 I had already made a garage-sale stop. Yes, I did sort of feel like one of those crazy women you see on Hoarders, out to glean the best of the junk, but in my defense I had combed Craigslist earlier in the morning and went to each garage sale to claim specific items ... not just to buy whatever junk they had lying around!

This mirror is absolutely massive. You can't quite tell how big it is because of how it's slanted, but trust me .. it's a biggun, and it weighs a ton. I'm hoping we don't cave the apartment building in trying to hang it up. As you can see in the picture below, it's already been taped off, primed, and painted a lovely white. And it only cost ten dollars:)

Those antique books only cost me 1 dollar. The first one I got at one of the yard sales for a dollar, and the other two I got at a used book store this afternoon. I've posted about it a few times before, it's the one where Mr. F and I spent a few hours one Friday night, and it's also the place where I got this awesome autographed book. Whenever we are cleaning out our books, we take them by there for store credit. I had a few books to trade, so I got these two for free, and only used up 3 dollars of my credit!

This chair was the big score of the day, however. It's a beautiful upholstered chair, with real wood that has gorgeous detailing. It was the steal of the day because it was ... get this ... free! Can't beat that! I've already started ripping out that gold velvety material, and it's not pretty. There are about 5 million nail-heads in this thing, and trying to pry each one off is going to leave me with a very sore arm, methinks. I have big plans for it though. I've already picked out a fabric and everything:)

stay tuned!

PS In case you lost track, that brings my spendings for today to a grand total of 11 dollars. Not too shabby!

PPS Jemima said she hopes everyone enjoys these pictures of her.


  1. Hey there! Came across your blog randomly and love seeing the before/afters...looking forward to seeing what you do with that chair. Quick question (and I hope this doesn't sound stupid...I'm new to the blogging world), how are you able to provide the different links in pink? For example, you had typed, "this awesome autographed book" in pink and it took me back to another post of yours. I'd love to know how to do that. Thanks.

  2. Hi Anon! I'm so glad you like the blog! Send me a link to your blog and I'll follow you:)

    To change the color of your links, here's what you'll want to do:

    1. On the top right, click "customize"
    2. Under the "layout" tab, click "fonts and colors"
    3. There will be a little box on the right with all the colors for your blog, and one of them should say "link color", click that, then click the color that you like.

    The number for this shade of pink is #f4b9e0

    Hope that helps!

    Mary Grace

  3. Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I should have clarified. While I think the pink color is adorable, what I really wanted to know is how you are able to provide your link under words such as, "Click Here" etc. I hope what I'm asking makes sense. Sorry for the confusion...

  4. Ahhh I see! In that case, you'll want to copy the link you want to link your readers to (get that from your browser), then start typing your new post. When you get to the phrase that you want to be clicky-linky, you highlight it, then click the little icon to the right of all the icons you use to edit the colors and sizes of the fonts. The one that looks like a chain on top of a green ball. It will open up a new window, paste the link in there, and that should do the trick! Let me know if that makes sense, I'm not too great at explaining computer stuff.

  5. Worked like a charm! Thanks!


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