Monday, December 7

weekend rewind

Friday night, our usual date night, was nice:) We went out to dinner and then went to the mall - we called it our "High School" date. We didn't end up buying anything exciting, but we did go look at the puppies at the pet store and there was a Pomeranian that totally stole my heart! He was SO CUTE! But I don't know that I'll be able to talk my husband into getting another fluffy little dog. He always said his first dog would be a Weimaraner or a Great Dane, so he's already made a pretty big compromise by us getting this little lady.

Although he's the first to admit she has him wrapped around her finger (or paw).

Saturday we cleaned up and did our grocery shopping, and that afternoon we went to the library. They had their little history museum open, and I love stuff like that so I really enjoyed going through it. The library we go to is celebrating their 90th birthday, so they had some really cool stuff in there from when it first opened, like a rather dangerous-looking hole punch. After a few hours (yes, hours) at the library, we went to Albertson's to get some soup. This may sound weird, but only if you haven't had their soup. They seriously have the best soup on the planet. My mouth is watering just typing this!

We went off on our hunt for a Christmas tree, but the place where we usually go had a terrible selection, and our second choice place is closed this year! Is there some sort of Christmas tree shortage we don't know about? It was frustrating, but we'll try again next weekend, we may just have to travel a little further.

Then we watched Christmas in Connecticut. He had never seen it before, but he loved it:) If you don't know what this movie is, you can read my praises of it by clicking here.

Sunday was my first day of teaching Sunday school. I'm teaching the 4 & 5 year olds all by myself, so I was a little worried about being able to keep control, but it went so well. I came prepared with some little "Jesus Loves Me" puzzles for everyone, but just alluded to them as their "surprise presents" until the very end of class. Any time they misbehaved I'd sigh and say "it's so sad that you probably aren't going to get your present" and they'd stop. I'm teaching them about Jesus AND bribes. It worked like a charm, and I will be bringing "presents" every Sunday from now on! They were all very sweet and soooo cute, though. We successfully did our craft, read our Bible story, and memorized our Bible verse within the hour, so I think I did pretty well!

Hope everyone's weekend was fun:) Don't forget to check back later for Must Have Monday!

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