Friday, December 4

Christmas Movies

We are starting our first of four Christmas-themed Top Five Fridays. Yayyyy! Today we are listing our top five favorite Christmas movies.

5. Elf: Sweet little Buddy is so wholesome and cute. I think everyone loves this movie. My favorite line is "Smiling is my favorite!"

4. Christmas in Connecticut: A friend recommended this movie to my mother when I was about 11, and we've watched it every year since. It's from the 1940's and it's so cute and very funny. It's the story of a 1940's version of Martha Stewart. Elizabeth Lane is a celebrity journalist that is known as a doting wife and mother, with a glamorous country home in Connecticut, who shares her wonderful recipes and housekeeping tips with housewives all over America. It's all a sham, however, as Elizabeth is actually a single girl living in a little apartment in New York City who can't cook a thing (her uncle, a chef, provides her with the recipes) and has no idea how to keep house. When her publisher invites himself and a wounded WWII veteran over for Christmas weekend as a bit of a publicity stunt, she has to find herself a home in the country, a fake husband, a fake baby, and she has to learn how to cook something - and fast - or her publisher will realize she's a phony and she'll lose her job. It's hilarious and very cute.

3. Christmas Story: Who hasn't spent at least one Christmas day with this playing over and over on TBS in the background? This movie speaks for itself. It's great!

2. The Family Stone: I saw this in theaters with my buddy Jilly when it first came out, and I have been obsessed with it ever since. I bought it the day it came out on DVD, and I have watched it more times than I care to say. In fact, I'd put this in my top five favorite movies of all time.

1. It's a Wonderful Life: Only one of the best movies ever made. This is another one that we watch as a family every year, and have for as long as I can remember. It's a absolutely a must-see. It's such a sweet reminder that life is precious, and of the importance of family and friends.

Hope you all enjoy watching your favorite Christmas movies this holiday season:)


  1. I love Christmas in Connecticut!!! And I don't see it often. I'm going to ask Nick to find it on DVD for me as a Christmas gift.

  2. Aww isn't it so cute? I'm always surprised when I find out that other people have seen it, I feel like it's not that well known!
    You should definitely ask Santa for it;)


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