Wednesday, December 23

oh, honestly!

Today the White Waxflower blog is getting a healthy dose of honesty. My blogging buddy Jillian gave me the Honest Scrap blog award, and now I'm posting 10 honest things about myself. These are sort of lame, but I've already been trying to come up with stuff for about three days, and I think it's time to stop trying to think of things that make me sound cool or interesting and just type out whatever comes to mind. So here goes!

1. I loooove the idea of being stranded away from my usual resources and having to fend for myself. When I was little this manifested itself in the form of pretending to be an orphan all the time. Not because I didn't like my parents, but because when you're 7 years old, your parents supply you with everything. Now that I'm self-sufficient, I always think how amazing it would be to experience life Castaway-style. On an island where nothing matters but acquiring your next meal, and trying to build some sort of home that would protect you from the elements. I wish there was some sort of camp I could go to where I could try it. And in case you were wondering, being on Survivor wouldn't count because there's a camera crew and medics hanging around.

2. I have a serious thing for sweet and salty together. I love chocolate covered pretzels, and when I was little I would put cake icing on Lay's potato chips at birthday parties. Gross, I know!

3. I played Annie in Annie when I was a little girl, and it was so much fun. I still get a little sad when I hear those songs, knowing I'll never get to play Annie again.

4. I've been biting my nails since before I was a teenager, and I haven't really tried to stop. Every once in awhile I'll be able to grow them out for a month or so, but I always start biting them again eventually. The honest part? I don't really want to quit!

5. I'm an on-again-off-again vegetarian. I've been doing this for a few years now. It all started when I read a book, which shall remain nameless because this is a fairly family-friendly blog and it has an expletive in the title, that was mostly about all the disgusting things that happen to that cow, chicken or pig before it ends up on your plate. I won't go into details, but let's just say you'll never look at your hamburger the same way again. At least, I can't! I don't want to be one of those people that hosts have to cook something special for, so I usually keep it pretty quiet and will eat meat when the situation really calls for it.

6. I really don't like poetry. I just don't get it. I've never really heard a poem that spoke to me or did much for me. This is strange because I love music lyrics, and I love thinking about what they mean. Lyrics are basically poems set to music, so you'd think if I like one I'd like both, but no ... I just don't get poetry.

7. I really hope I can own a store someday, full of antiques, my own refurbished furniture and my own little prints.

8. I'm kind of embarrassed by how much I love my dog Jemima. I always thought it was so lame when people were obsessed with their dogs, and I always wanted to say "it's just a DOG!" But now I'm totally one of those people. But she's just soooooo cute and clever and cuddly and sweet!!! I can't help myself.

9. I think my husband gets more and more handsome every time I see him. And I'm not just saying that because I know he's gonna read this. I really, really, really think that. And he really, really, really, does! I like to tell him "you're soooOOOOoooOOOoo dreamy!!!!" just to make him blush, but it's true!

10. Sometimes it makes me sad to think about all the movies I'll never have time to watch, and all the books I'll never have time to read. I like to think that by the time I die I'll have seen all the classic movies, read all the classic books, and read and watched all the good contemporaries. Interestingly, the Mr. and I have talked about a separate blogging adventure: watching every Best Picture Oscar winner in order, and blogging about the experience as we go. No one steal this idea! We thought of it first!

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