Thursday, December 24

off we go!

We are currently at the Phoenix airport, awaiting our departure for Calgary, AB! We drove down to San Diego last night, dropped our sweet Jemima off at a friend's house (he's keeping her while we're gone), and then checked into a hotel for a short night's sleep. We had to be leaving for the airport at 4:00am, so we're a bit tired!

Our plan is to head straight for Banff, tour around the little downtown, then tonight we're hoping to go to a candlelight service at this church.

We're in for some nice weather, it's supposed to be in the high 20's. We're pretty excited! Don't forget to check in tomorrow for Top Five Friday, I already wrote mine and it's ready to go:) We're doing our favorite Christmas memories!

We tried about 100 times to take a cute picture of us just now, but we gave up. Here's one of our "oops" shots where we weren't ready!

XOXO and a Merry Christmas Eve to you!

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