Wednesday, December 16

I'm sowwy:(

Hello White Waxflower readers (if there are any of you left after my lack of posting this week)! Today was lovely. I met up with my two childhood besties this morning to take a picture. We have a picture of the three of us when I was a little girl, then another of us 10 years later when we were all teenagers, so today we took our third 10-year picture!

We met up with my Aunt Becky and my cousins Margaret and Tully for lunch, and then back to their home for tea:) They have a GORGEOUS house that was built in the very early 1900's by my great-great grandparents, Jane and T. Brady. My Aunt Becky is my role model... she has taken that house room-by-room and totally transformed it, all the while keeping it appropriate for the time-period it was built in.

Then we picked out a Christmas tree for my parent's house, I made some French onion soup, and now we're watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I'm sorry I wasn't able to follow through with the post about my mom's Christmas decorations, but I'll put it up tomorrow, pinky promise!

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