Thursday, December 31

I ♥ rotary phones

We have a super fun new addition to our home ... a new rotary phone! I have a yellow one, but we all know I adore all things white and cream and would have much rather had a white one had I been able to find one at the time. Well, my grandmother, my Neenah, saw my post and gave me a sweet little white rotary phone that belonged to my great grandmother! I was absolutely thrilled. It's so exciting to own something that belonged to her, and to know I'm talking into the same phone she used!

There were a few problems with it, the cord was broken off inside the phone, and the other end wouldn't connect because the little connecter part had fallen inside. It's sort of hard to explain, but my handy-man husband knew he could fix it. He had it taken apart in about 2 minutes. Of course this made me very nervous, but I knew it was in good hands!

He called these the "phone guts".

Here it is in the three basic pieces. As you can see, Jemima wanted to help.

He got out his trusty tool box and had it good as new in just a few minutes! I was very impressed. For fun, we connected it before it was all put back together and gave it a test ring. It was really weird seeing it ring like that! Here's a little video:

I just love it! It works perfectly, and I love having something with sentimental value and family history in our home:)

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