Wednesday, December 9

because I'm bored

I'm stuck in a very long and pointless meeting, so I am blogging again:) This weekend the Mr. and I will be going to holiday parties on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so we won't be able to take our normal date night. Sooo we went on our date last night, mexican again (ever since I've been writing this blog I've realized we almost always go for mexican or chinese!) and then went to get my copy of Julie & Julia. I forgot to take a picture with it until after I'd already gotten in bed, so excuse my hair. And yes, I'm weird and I take pictures with everything that comes into our home that I'm even remotely excited about.

I had planned to be a nerd and go get it at midnight the night before, but then I remembered that there aren't any stores anywhere near us that are open that late. Even the Wal-Mart and Target close at 10pm!


  1. Hi Mary Grace: We are really enjoying your blog. Your Dad also gave us a connection to Etsy. We are highly impressed with how imaginative and creative you are. As young and pretty as you are, your hair is no distraction. Jemima, the dog, supervises you the way that Tammy, the cat, watches over Gran. Love you and the Mr., Gran and Granddad

  2. Awww thank you so much Gran & Granddad! I love you and miss you!

  3. MG...I have not seen the movie yet, but am tempted to just buy it. I bet it's great!


  4. You'll love it, it's one of my new favorites!


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