Monday, November 9

must have monday

Today is the day when
my partner-in-blogging and I post about an item we want, need, or think everyone else should have. Today my Must Have item is the Julie & Julia movie.

image courtesy of sony pictures

I love everything that Nora Ephron does, and this movie was everything I love about her movies. It doesn't come out until December 8th, but I will be in the store at midnight on December 7th to pick one up, just like a certain someone I know *coughJILLIANcough* did when The Notebook came out.

P.S. You can get a nice little preview of the soundtrack by clicking here!

1 comment:

  1. going at midnight was totally worth it...i'm excited for this one to come was so cute. I would love to try cooking some of the recipes.


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