Monday, November 9

big plans

Look at this drawing some sweet little 5 year old made for me!

Not really, this is a terrible attempt at a mock-up of what I'd like the area that formerly housed our entertainment center to look like.

A. I'd like to find some simple antique wooden chairs that I could paint a light gray.

B. These are the prints and paintings that you see in the top right corner of my blog.

C. I am hunting like a crazy person for an old wooden dresser. It needs to be long and short. I plan to paint it white, of course!

D. We are planning to buy each other a nice new TV for Christmas, but the jury's still out on that! Our favorite TV show isn't actually about pumpkins .. there were just very few images to choose from!

E. Those shelves are already there and decorated. Here is a picture of the bottom shelf. The top shelf has some baby pictures of us and a stack of books.
F. Once I find the dresser I'll fix it up with the Anthropologie knobs that formerly graced our
entertainment center, and possibly a few new ones, but I'm making that plan a surprise :)

G. My yellow rotary phone.

The nautical stripe rug that you see in my wish list. Hopefully I can get this within a month or two since it's on sale!

In case you were wondering, the little rectangles that the H is next to are supposed to be books, and the black and white pillow in the gray chair on the right is a little craft project I'm hoping to whip up sometime this week.

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