Friday, November 27

the key to my heart

So I went to check the mail, expecting the usual bills and catalogs, and to my surprise ... I had a package waiting for me.

From Urban Outfitters. And they didn't have the wrong address!

I was confused.

I raced back to the apartment and opened it up to find this:

The adorable giant key from my wish list!!! It was from a beloved family friend, Mrs. Kitty:) My mama gave her my blog address and I'm very flattered to find out that she reads it! I was SO SO SO excited, as can be seen below in the photo shoot that immediately took place.

Mrs. Kitty, you have made me EXTREMELY happy, I love it so much!!! It fits in so perfectly here, and I already knew exactly where it was going to go. It looks every bit as cute as I imagined it would, holding my little collection of pendant necklaces. You are sooo precious to do this for me, I love, love, LOVE it!


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