Friday, November 27

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I am having so much fun with this little decorating blog that I can't believe it's taken me this long to start one! Here are three things that I am looking forward to in December:

1. My Etsy Shop: The storefront is already up and running, but there isn't much to see quite yet. I visited a print shop on Wednesday and they were excited about my projects and eager to start working with me. I should have items posted for ordering and shipping by Monday! I am keeping my fingers crossed and saying my prayers that it won't take long for Christmas orders to start pouring in.

2. Top Five Fridays: There are four Fridays in December, with the last one being on Christmas Day. My partners in blogging (Jill and Jillian) and I have Christmas-themed Top Five Fridays planned for the whole month. They're going to be so fun!

3. Decorating for Christmas: Since times are tough for so many people right now, I thought it would be fun to do several posts with how-to directions for homemade Christmas decorations. I am challenging myself to make about 75% of my decorations myself this year. I would love to make 100% of them, but try as I might, I am incapable of making a Douglas Fir tree. I am having fun brainstorming to come up with cute, original ideas to share:) I am hoping to post at least one project a week from now until Christmas.

Stay tuned!

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