Wednesday, October 28

All ready to go and nothing to say..

It's taken me about an hour just to try and make this blog look a little unique and a little like "me", so now I am sort of over it and can't even think of anything to blog about. My dear buddy Jillian and I agreed to embrace our love of talking about ourselves and start blogging together, so that at least we know we'll have one reader (each other). Hopefully we can count on our moms to bring the grand total up to two each:)

I named my blog White Waxflower because:

a) for the last year or so, my obsession with all things white has gotten out of control.
b) I think waxflowers are very cute.
c) When I was looking for images of waxflowers, I stumbled across a little article about them, and learned that they used to be given to couples because they meant "wishing you happiness in marriage". Since I'm still in my newlywed years, this seemed perfect.

So .. Hi Jillian! Hi Mom! Hopefully I'll be back later today after I've thought of something interesting to say.

1 comment:

  1. You've got a third reader. And I have to say, I love your bedroom color.



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