Friday, July 1

I'm just mad about: primary colors

Lately I just can't get enough of blue, red and yellow. At the rate I'm going, my house is going to look like a kindergarten classroom by the time fall rolls around. 

I had some trouble getting the self-timer situation under control, so these pictures aren't that great, but here's some fun primary color clothing for you.

Check out those vintage shoes! They came as a set with this handbag ... an adorable gift from my mama:)

And here's another place where some bright yellow has popped up recently. I started with this rough-around-the-edges coffee table.

It was rusty and the plywood was a bit moldy.

I Oxy-Cleaned, sanded, and stained the plywood, then put on several coats of shiny polyurethane. 

I primed the metal part of the table with Rustoleum Rusty Metal Primer, then painted it a glossy, bright yellow.


I think it makes a very happy, summery addition to home:)


  1. I LOVE the coffee table! And you are too cute!

  2. The coffee table is fabulous, and so are you!

  3. I love yellow! It looks great on the cardigan and on the table. I'm actually just about to paint an old round shelf unit yellow too! Do you use spray paint? Any tips? :) Love the vintage matching shoes & bag too btw - it's too bad we can't find too many things like that anymore. I'd totally buy a set!


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