Friday, June 3

I'm back with a few wedding pictures!

An adorable couple who just happen to be my parents-in-law:) I did her hair and make-up!

Me dancing with the handsome groom, Matt:)

I reactivated my husband's old Facebook just long enough to steal all these pictures from Michelle, then I deactivated it again, ha! Thanks, Michelle;)

 The whole ginormous family!

And now for some random updates ...

I got a new 20th century portrait for my collection a few weeks ago. Isn't he awesome? I love his glasses.

And my friend Zoe noticed how much I love black and white sketches, so when I told her that I'd love to own some of her art, she was kind enough to give me this gorgeous sketch of the woman in the evening gown:) Thanks, Zoe!

Whenever I have a bunch of random stuff I want to display, but there's no rhyme or reason to it, I just throw it all on a tray and suddenly it looks like a collection!

This picture is here for two reasons. One: because I upgraded my compost to an actual compost container instead of the gallon water jug I'd been using.

This cute white container came from World Market, and it has this charcoal filter thing on the top that seems to really help keep the bad smell at bay.

And the second reason for the picture? Because it has my little birthday girl in it! Jemima is 4 years old today:) Happy birthday, Jemima! I love everything about you!

Even your underbite.


  1. looks like you had a fun weekend! happy birthday Jemima! Lady has an underbite too :)

  2. Awe! Happy birthdayJjemima! Cousin Buddy says likewise and he sends her his love! ;)

  3. I love your blog! You have inspired me to show my house and the things I love on my blog :) Which also means that I will have to update it a little better than I have been...

  4. You look so pretty in the first picture with Jean, ya'll are such a cute couple! And as always I love all your home decor, happy birthday to sweet J-Bones. Love and miss you, xoxo!


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