Monday, March 7

my buddies

These are my friends, Genesis and Lovely. They've been living on the streets for about 6 months, and I met them through my church back in January. Here we are last month after a clothes-shopping trip to Target:)

Here they are yesterday with our pastor, Jim:) I hosted a surprise party for them yesterday, because it was their last day of homeless-ness! 

Sadly BOTH of our nice cameras are currently broken, so these are iPhone pictures and don't really do my little banner justice. I made it out of sparkly pink, green and silver sheets of card stock, with tissue paper poufs behind each letter.

I put Martha Stewart pompoms on the corners ...

And over the buffet. Unfortunately I didn't snap a picture of my buffet set-up until after the guests had already eaten, but you can get the general idea!

I also bought two albums and put their names on the front, and then set out card stock that was cut to size  so that guests could write a personal note to each girl for their albums:) My friend Becca helped put together gift bags for the girls full of things for the girls to take to their programs with them like toiletries, stationary and gift cards.

Here we are this morning, dropping Genesis (in the middle) off at her residential program! I felt like I was dropping my child off at college, LOL. Lovely starts her program on Wednesday. It's a little bittersweet ... these girls have become true friends to me and I've gotten used to seeing them several times a week! Their programs last about 2 years, and I can't wait to see where life takes them after that!


  1. That's awesome! And I love that bench on your patio- where'd you get it?

  2. How wonderful! Great party set up too! :)

  3. MG this is incredible what a sweet thing to do!

  4. How incredibly kind of you! What a way to send them off on their new lives!

  5. What a great thing to do! I know they will never forget you. You have impacted them beyond what you realize, I'm sure. The gift bags and albums were so sweet. :) You always seem to have such great ideas. I'm sure they appreciate everything you've done for, party, friendship. May you be blessed!

    What church/denomination do you attend? You said you met those girls through church...are you part of an outreach ministry or something?

    Well, no matter how you got involved in their lives, it's very cool that you did. :) Very inspirational!

  6. Amanda - Thank you! It's from World Market and was part of a 5-piece set.

    Anon - Thank you for your kind words! Send me an email at and I'll be happy to fill you in!

    Thanks for being so sweet and encouraging, everyone! Genesis called tonight and said she's settling in nicely and she likes her roommates:) Yay!

  7. Hooray for Genesis and Lovely! Hooray for a great party and a great day! Hooray for their programs starting and for getting to know them!

  8. What an incredibly amazing thing you did! I am so inspired!

  9. Aww Gracie, that is such a sweet thing to do!

    And I love those pompoms! :)

  10. hi mary grace,

    what program are they in that lasts for 2 years? i really am interested in this.

  11. Mary Grace: What am I to do with you girl!!! You are the best friend I never had... Wait... does that mean your NOT my best friend!! LOL

    The party came out GREAT!!!! And I love all your decorations!!!!

  12. What a touching blog post. You are such a great person. It's nice to see there are still nice people out there. :)


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