Wednesday, March 16

I KNEW it!

So this is me (in the leopard print) just a few hours after posting this post about how my husband BETTER not be throwing me a surprise party. My friend Julie (sitting on the floor next to me) was in on it and took me out for birthday dessert while my husband set everything up, and when Julie brought me back home there was a room full of people ready to embarrass the heck out of me ... hahaha:) 

Sadly, I was too busy having fun to take pictures, so all I have are these two of everyone playing Apples to Apples. I have to say, I was wrong about surprise parties. I had SO much fun and I'm so glad my husband ignored my request to never throw me one! He thought of everything ... he knows I hate cake, so he put candles in a pizza, and he had a slideshow of my baby pictures playing on the wall from the projector. He even bought all clear beverages so I wouldn't worry about our white furniture, LOL

I was going to wait until the coffee table/ottoman was done to put any pictures up on the blog, but you can sort of see it in those surprise party pics. It's not quite done, but here's another sneak preview!

And lastly, check out these flowers from my friends (and soon-to-be-married-couple) Spencer and Becca. Aren't they pretty? And see that yellow compote bowl thingy? It's vintage and I got it at an estate sale last weekend for just 5 bucks! 

I'm hoping to post official "afters" of some furniture re-do's in the next day or two, so don't be a stranger;)


  1. Happy Surprise to you. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. How fun, love the ottoman!! and that yellow dish is beautiful! happy late birthday!

  3. Hooray for surprise parties! Glad it was awesome and lovely! And also love the compote bowl.


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