Friday, August 20

Today I channeled my inner Jillian and baked these cupcakes. Carrot cake cupcakes, to be precise. They may not be pretty, but they're very tasty. We have some new neighbors, so I'll probably take a few over to them. Very Bree Van de Kamp* of me, right?

I've made cupcakes plenty of times before, but this was my first time whipping up my own icing from scratch. Here's the very simple recipe, if you're in need of one:

Buttercream Icing
1/2 cup butter
3 cups powdered sugar
3 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

cream the butter, then mix in the other ingredients and you're done!

I realize this is sort of a strange addition to this post, but I worked hard on my hair and makeup for tonight and I'm so proud of it that I'm posting a picture (or two)! Because Jemima was just recovering from surgery during our wedding anniversary, we had to celebrate with dinner at home with her. Tonight's the night we're going out on the town for our "rain check", and I wanted to look extra cute! And if you're worried that I'm going to wear that shirt out to dinner, I'm not. It's a vintage silk shirt that I just wear while getting ready:) 

*If you're not familiar with Desperate Housewives characters, Bree is just like Martha Stewart, if Martha were presbyterian, Republican and a proud member of the NRA.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. You look absolutely gorgeous, I hope you and Jean enjoyed your night out. ps, thanks for the shout out, those cupcakes sound delicious...may need to get the recipe from you. btw, are those your pics of cupcakes, so professional and pretty!! xoxo

  2. I wish I had you as a neighbor! We just bought our first home, and moved in 2 weeks ago. Our neighbors have not come to meet us with cupcakes!

  3. Awww, Jilly you're so sweet ... thanks!!! I did take the picture! I've been practicing on my photag skills for the blog:)

    Kylee: People just don't do nice little things like that as much as they used to, I guess:( We need to bring it back!

  4. hi marygrace,

    glad you included the info on bree. i don't watch tv so i don't get a lot of tv references. sounds like an "interesting" character.

    i can adapt that frosting recipe using earth balance and i bet it's going to be so good. when i try it i'll let you know how it comes out.

    also, you look darling. i really love when bloggers share pics of themselves. it makes blogging more interesting. i've been wrong so many times about how i thought a blogger looked based on their writing.


    ps ~ i thought i left a comment on your last post but it didn't go through. i think your little art project is quite darling and matches you perfectly. also, loved learning the term regretsy. sadly, it's quite appropriate on a lot that i see.

  5. those cupcakes look divine...I will have to try that recipe at some point!! :)


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