Tuesday, August 10

flowers and fonts

I have made a few little changes around the townhouse lately, and thought I'd share! The previous lampshade in the guest bedroom was a shade that I'd covered myself, and it didn't look horrible, but it didn't look too great, either;) I love how this new shade is a bit oversized for the little aqua base, and I love having the extra splash of color.

I also changed the font on my library dresser. That's how we alphabetize our DVD's, and because we'd bought some new ones I had to redo the labels anyway.

 I thought I might as well change up the font on the labels while I was at it! I changed it to - what else - American Typewriter. My favorite! That's the same one as you see in my banner up there.

I've added three plants in terra cotta pots to my front door welcoming committee:) Jemima even sort of matches them in her purple, tan and red polo shirt!


  1. I really adore that floral lampshade, and the cabinet labels are so cute...I love typewriter font (my fav. is secret service typewriter though).

  2. i love little changes like that.

    in the new house beautiful there is a little article showing famous decorators sitting on their sofa's and i thought of the pic of you that i love so much. you could be right there with them!


  3. Look at sweet J-Bones, I'm so happy to see her showing off for the camera. PS, I love your pink clock, where is that from!?!

  4. I love your library dresser and your bright fun style!



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