Tuesday, January 12


I made it home and to the bedroom just in time to catch some really great photos of our new dresser in the sunlight this morning. Yayyy! You may remember from this post that our old dresser is long gone, and we spent Sunday afternoon fixing up a new one and giving it the ole whitewash!

This dresser was purchased for only $20 from a lady in Tustin. She has a relative that is a 99 year old woman who just went to a nursing home, and sadly they are selling all of her furniture. It made me sort of sad pulling out all the sweet old floral lining paper in the drawers. You know how must people get all goo-goo and gushy over babies and "want to take them home"? That's how I am about old people. I couldn't help but think about that old lady and her husband bringing home this dresser, back in their younger days, and her picking out the lining paper with the little pink roses on it, and carefully cutting them out to fit the drawers:( Oh well, at least I am giving it a good home:)

As you can see, it has a most unfortunate faux-wood glaze on top of it, and it really hides the beautiful detail of the drawers. The reason I wanted this specific dresser out of all of the dressers on Craigslist was because of that hardware, though. It looks like something I would purchase to put on a dresser!

And here it is in all it's sunshiney glory. Unfortunately, my husband forgot to take a "Before" picture of the giant mirror it came with. I'm not a big fan of mirrors stuck to the back of dressers unless it's a vanity that was sort of built around the mirror, so I didn't want to attach it back to the dresser. I had my husband pry off the wood that was meant to attach it, and I painted the mirror a dark gray color and just propped it up on the dresser instead. I think it looks much better that way.

This is a detail shot of the great old hardware, and the details on the drawers. I know a lot of people think it's a crime to paint over wood, but white paint brings out the details so much. Besides, your home should make you happy and white paint makes me happy:)

Here's one more look at the before:

and the after!


  1. It's beautiful!

  2. You are so good at finding good stuff and restoring it Mary Grace. Love looking at the finished project. Rock it gurl.

  3. Awww thanks Jenny and Erin!!!


  4. Janie Mooney12/1/10 5:08 PM

    I love it, and can't believe the difference painting it made. Great find! Way to go! :oD
    Love you!

  5. Y'all move fast to accomplish all this in just one day...my goodness! It's beautiful!

  6. Oh, it turned out beautifully! And your dog looks so cute posing for the last picture. :)


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