Wednesday, January 13

Mirror, mirror on the wall

This poor little mirror has been through a lot, and unfortunately for it, it's journey may not be over yet. It's got beautiful "bones" (as they say on the refurbishing blogs I stalk), but that tacky gold finish had to go.

Here it is after it had been painted a flat black. Excuse my dog's booty in the way.

And here it is on the wall of our bedroom.

I didn't think I liked the black mirror/black bed combo, so I recently painted it white. It's sort of hard to get a good comparison of the two, because not only is our bed missing the duvet and pillow shams, it's also not made up ... and the mirror looks blindingly white in this picture. It's not nearly that white in person.

This is a better picture of the real color:

But I'm still not sure if I like it. I don't know if I should paint it black again, strip it down past even the gold finish and see what's under there, and try and go from there, or paint it some other color.

Ideas are welcome!


  1. I actually liked the black more than that white. But, it could just be the photos. Is there an accent color you could paint it that would make less of a statement than the white?

  2. Yeah, I think you're right. Darn! More painting for me! The only other colors in the room are tan, brown, blue and orange, and those are just the colors in the bird bedding. Everything else is gray, black and white. I can't really think of an accent color that would do. I guess I could paint it some really bold color?

  3. Jessmarietta13/1/10 12:26 PM

    I like the black more than the white, definitely. I do love the color red mixed with B&W, but I'm not sure that would go with the rest of your room.


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