Saturday, December 26

a white waxflower production

The quality of this video isn't the greatest, but when I get home to my speedy internet connection I can fix it :) It's just a little video I put together of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Banff. Warning: I look pretty rough. I've been going make-up free and loving it ... until I saw myself in these videos!

PS There's a little "x" on the ads on this video, click it and they'll go away!


  1. Banff is beautiful and I love y'all's beanies and warm weather clothes. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and enjoy the rest of your trip! xoxo

  2. The whole fam gathered around to watch to video! We love it! It's the next best thing to being there ourselves! It makes us happy to see you two having so much fun. Enjoy yourselves!!! We love you!

  3. Aww thanks sweet Jilly!! We're having a great time, and Chicken Socks has been enjoying himself as well. Tomorrow he plans to make a snowman.

  4. Wish you were here, family! I miss ya'll and love ya'll soooooooo much!

  5. Gracie I love your video! I am always amazed at what you can do, and while on vacation no less. And it looks sooo pretty there! Hope ya'll enjoy the rest of your trip! Love you!

  6. i love ya'll so much! and of course i miss ya'll like crazy. and i love the movie, you guys were really cute in your winter attire. i love the blog too.


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