Tuesday, December 29

extry extry read all about it!

I have a big announcement to make! I was going to keep you all in suspense and make a clue tomorrow followed by the announcement on Thursday, but I decided just to put it all out there. It's too exciting to keep quiet!

The domain name whitewaxflower.com is now mine, all mine! I bought it today and already took the steps to put my old site on the new site! So now instead of typing out www.whitewaxflower.blogspot.com, all you have to type in is whitewaxflower.com

Apparently it takes awhile to "spread" across the interenet, so if it doesn't work right away don't worry. It should be working 100% by Thursday. And if you already have the old address bookmarked, you don't have to change it. It should re-direct you to the new website on it's own.

I'm very excited. Buying my own registered domain name and getting rid of the .blogspot.com part is something I've been anxious to do. Yay for big changes on my little blog!

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