Friday, December 4

drum-roll, please

My little Etsy shop is having it's grand opening today:) Unfortunately, the lady in that fabulous hat wasn't available to come officiate my ribbon-cutting ceremony, but I'm still pretty excited.

You can check it out by clicking here, but don't give up on me if you don't see anything you like. My Magazine Monogram Collection is up, and you can get those framed or un-framed (is that a word?), as well as 2 of the three French Homework Collection. I have the Transportation Series and the Dressing Room Series posted for sale, but coming soon are the Technology Series, the Nature Series, and possibly a Musical Series with various instruments.

Stay tuned!


  1. MG....I love your prints!! You are so talented.

  2. Awww thanks so much! :):)

  3. MarieDaigle4/12/09 2:37 PM

    Congratulations! I'll be buying a big magazine print one as soon as I finish moving around for the holidays. ;)


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