Wednesday, December 2

don't try this at home

I wasn't able to post about my little
DIY Christmas craft last night because I didn't get done until about 10pm! That's pretty late considering I started working on it around 6:30 and only stopped for dinner, and even had my husband pitch in with the wire-cutting. But the end results were cute, but it took forever. So if you're brave, here's what you'll need.

An embroidery hoop, white florist's wire, white pipe cleaners (I used about 150 of them), white paint, paint brush.

Paint the embroidery hoop white and set it aside to dry.
Follow these directions from Martha Stewart to make about a billion snowflakes.

Wrap the embroidery hoop in the pipe cleaners, and start attaching the snowflakes with the white florist's wire.

You may want to make some smaller snowflakes (there's no directions for this on the MS website, but it's easy to do) to fill in the blanks.

Make a little loop with pipe cleaner that you can use to hang the wreath.

I had a lot of pipe cleaners left over, so I made this little tree from the Martha Stewart site as well.

Pretty cute, right?

I haven't figured out where to put my wreath yet, but I do like it, I guess? I'm just not sure if I would have been brave enough to try it had I known it would take so long!

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