Sunday, December 20

an anthropologie afternoon

Huge news, everyone! My super awesome and amazing parents got me ... you guessed it ... an anthro gift card for Christmas! I was seriously beside myself. Today, as soon our church activities were over, we went to the Spectrum. Here's what I got!

Remember this little message in a bottle from my wish list? I got it half off! It's so cute:) Can't wait to write on those tiny little scrolls. I just need the right quotes or song lyrics.

I'm so excited to start reading this book. I read a bit of it in the store, and it's sooo cute.

These little butter dishes have been around for awhile, but I've only seen them in bright yellow and red. Today I finally saw a white one, so I snatched it up!

Last but not least, this cute little galvanized pot. I got the one with a 2 on it (the Mr.'s lucky number) and I've already stuffed it full of long white candles.

All of that and I only spent about 45 dollars! Still lots more gift card to spend:) HUGE thanks to my mama and daddy for my amazing gift that keeps on giving every time I walk into that store:)


  1. I think you have converted me to an Anthropologolie addict. I hope this doesn't affect my budget too much. ;)

  2. The good news is they have amazing sales and clearance!


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