Friday, November 13

hip bones and crackers and pants, oh my!

We've been putting this one off
, trying to come up with some really good items, but today my buddy Jilly and I are talking about the Top Five Things you may not know about us. This wasn't easy to come up with, but I did my best! Here goes:

1. Disaster Movies: I love, love, LOVE disaster movies, even more than I love my beloved Romantic Comedies. I love Volcano, I love The Day After Tomorrow, I love I Am Legend, and the list goes on. I have watched the preview for 2012 about a dozen times, and I'm going to see it tonight or tomorrow! I don't really care for disaster movies that focus on isolated incidents like a boat sinking or a plane crashing ... I like to see the whole planet going up in flames and only a few people surviving.

2. Ritz Crackers: I really think that Reduced Fat Ritz Crackers might by my favorite food in the whole world. I don't like the taste of regular Ritz quite as much, they're a little too greasy for me, but give me a stack of Reduced Fat Ritz and I will devour them. In fact, I really never buy them anymore because I can't control myself and I will eat the entire box by myself in two days, and I got tired of my husband opening the cabinets and saying "I could have sworn we just bought Ritz yesterday."

I give my blog 2 thumbs up!

3. Hips: I actually have a whole body full of unusual genetic weirdness. I have clubbed thumbs (I've included a picture in case you don't know what that is) and a palatal torus on the roof of my mouth, but my favorite are my double-jointed hips. I can pop them in and out of joint on command! They pop out so far that you can see them popping in and out even when I'm fully clothed. I try not to let them do it though because I have a fear of them popping in and out uncontrollably when I'm old.

4. Pants: I really don't like wearing pants ... at all. I avoid wearing pants as much as possible. I love to wear skirts, dresses, and even shorts, but I hate wearing pants. Sweatpants and PJ pants are alright, but I just think that jeans and regular pants are so uncomfortable, no matter how high-quality they are. When I do wear pants, the first thing I do when I get home is take them off. It's become a joke between me and my husband because we've had three fairly shaky earthquakes since we've been here, and every single time they've hit I've been pants-less and running around in my underwear. He jokes that if the big earthquake gets us, his last words will probably be "Gracie! Put some pants on!"

5. NPR: When I'm driving, the only station I listen to is NPR. I love the stories, and I like being able to at least have some idea of what is going on in the news, but I think the main reason I listen to it is for the nostalgia. When I was little, my favorite thing was when my mother would drop me off at my dad's office around 4:30 in the afternoon. I loved going to his office. I would walk around and talk to all his employees, play on his computer, and write very important notes at his desk, pretending to be a very important person. Maybe it was in part because I had so many siblings and enjoyed the time alone with my dad, but the ride home was always my favorite part. He would listen to NPR on the way home, and I would try to come up with questions to ask him about the stories and news reports so I could impress him with how much I understood. They still play a lot of the same sound bites and jingles that they played when I was little, and hearing them now always takes me right back to being seven years old, riding home from work with Daddy.

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