Monday, November 23

comment était votre week-end?

Hope everyone's weekend was lovely
! We had a fun and semi-busy weekend around here, and of course I've got pictures documenting everything!

Friday night was our date night, and this week we were craving Chinese food. Soooo good:) We were a little tired, so we decided to skip the movie theater and watch a movie at home instead. Very nice and relaxing!

Saturday morning we had a few errands to run (post office, dry-cleaners, etc), and then that afternoon my friend Elizabeth came over to see my new furniture/art, then we headed to the Nutcracker Craft Boutique. This was so much fun, and HUGE. There were over 250 tents full of great Christmas stuff, and lots of interesting art and antiques. We had to park pretty far away, but we got to ride the Brea Trolley to the fair so that more than made up for it:)

I was so blown away by how huge the fair was. These are just 2 of about 6 sections of booths and tents.

These adorable deer were a little bit overpriced, but I snuck a quick picture so that I can remember them ... maybe I'll try making my own sparkly deer!

With this many vendors there will always be a few with very bad taste, and there was a disturbing denim purse theme going on at several booths. Here Elizabeth is modeling the fashionable I've-got-a-bear-in-my-pocket look.

And I am modeling the always-classy Sponge Bob Square Pants look.

I had planned on buying Christmas decor, or shopping for something for my mother and mother-in-law, but of course ... I did neither. Instead, I bought year-round decor for myself! I'll be back with a separate post in a little while with my purchases.

Saturday night our friends Blake and Lindsay came over, and brought their friend Luke with them. We hadn't seen them in awhile, so it was great to catch up. We kept it simple with 2 bottles of red wine and some Ritz Cracker Chips with a homemade dip ... nothing fancy!

Yesterday afternoon we rolled up our sleeves and got a bunch of stuff crossed off our to-do list that had been on there for months! I'm ashamed to say I had several grocery bags totally full of un-sorted mail, cords, and a million other things, stashed away next to our bed for ages. I had to do a quick "clean up" (and by "clean up" I mean stash everything in bags and hide them) once when some people came by unexpectedly, and of course I just kept throwing stuff into that pile when I couldn't think what to do with it. It took two hours, but we got it done, and it felt like such a relief! We also sorted through and got rid of about 25 magazines, filed away all our needed-to-be-filed papers, and thinned out a lot of junk. Our home is noq about 95% clutter free ... for now, anyway!

So that was our weekend! Be back later with my Must Have Monday and my purchases from the boutique fair:)

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