Friday, May 13

I needed to take a cute portrait of myself for a top secret project I'm working on, so I put on my pretty new Anthro dress, my sparkly "Kate Spade" shoes (wink wink), and enlisted the help of my helpful husband to snap a bunch of pics!

I'm in love with this dress, front and back!

Jemima likes having her picture taken even more than I do, so I let her join in on the fun.

You know how they say that after a while, dogs and their human friends start to look alike? I think the same is true for how they strike a pose. Observe .....

the "gazing at each other lovingly" pose.

the "head turned sharply to the left" pose.

the "arm-to-the-side, looking straight ahead" pose.

and the "head tilted slightly to the right" pose.

But I think I'm just going to use this one for my project.


  1. How fun! I love your new dress, you look fabulous!


  2. Ooooo that dress is super cute! And you probably know this but you'd get better light for a portrait shot by a window or your sliding glass doors--or head outside! You and Jemima are too cute to be in the shadows/yellowness:)

  3. Omg, you are just too adorable! And that dress is gorgeous.

    I love all the ones with your pup, so sweet!

  4. You (and jemima of course!) are so gorgeous!
    Love you, big sis!

  5. I'm so intrigued! Can't wait to see this project!

  6. Very cute... I'm digging the slightly grown out pixie cut.

    Unrelated question... do you use pinterest? I think you'd enjoy it and I would love to follow you on there!

  7. That dress is so cute! Just my style. I absolutely love it. And you look super adorable in it! All these pics are great! I have had mad puppy fever for weeks now and these are not helping, Mary Grace! ;) You & Jemima look like best pals.

  8. Aww, you guys are so nice to me and always make me feel so good about myself! Thanks so much for all the sweet compliments:):):)

    Tovah - Fortunately for this project, the lighting/shadows won't matter at all ... but yes, normally I like to take FULL advantage of natural light!

    Lizzie Boo - Thank you!! I love you too, baby sister;)

    Erin - I just started Pinterest-ing a few weeks ago and I'm OBSESSED! Off to search for you on there now!

    Polyvorina - Awww, you should get a puppy! Jemima is the best little companion ever and I don't know what we'd do without her! And I'm excited that you like the dress .. it means a lot coming from you because I LOVE your style!

  9. Love you and your dress boo! And I'm still hoping Jemima can teach cousin Bella a few modeling tricks!


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